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Formula Sprint 1
San Marino Grand Prix
Autodromo Internazionale Enzo e Dino Ferrari
Thursday 2nd of May 2024 19:00:00
April 10, 2012
Published on tags: Formula Challenge
To South Wales and the headquarters of Welsh GPVWC team - Red 5 Racing.Team Manger Gavin Thomas has called a press conference, this time however, it is an announcement for the Formula Challenge Series.

"All of you are aware that the Formula Challenge has been a series that we value really highly at Red 5 Racing. Lee Massey has been doing asterling job for our team in that series, I have tried to assist but due to my Superleague commitments and League rules that is no longer possible." said Thomas.

He went on to state," We are delighted that we have someone new to introduce to you from the Red 5 Racing Academy. Without further ado we give you Chris Grey, a young and gifted talent that will push Lee Massey and the rest of the grid at Slovenia and beyond!"

Chris Grey takes to the rostrum. "I have experience with LFS in 2010, iRacing and netKarPro and now I mostly race in iRacing and Race 07. I also do a bit of non-competitive karting once a week
in real life. I'm really looking forward to getting up to speed here and doing my best for the Red 5 Racing team!"

With that said, Grey was spirited off into the factory for his seat fitting and to meet his new team mate Massey and the rest of the Red 5 Racing "Family".