Fusion Motorsports

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England Fusion
Fusion Motorsports Logo.png
Full name Fusion Motorsports
Owner/s England Phil Perkins
Base England England
Superleague Team Fusion Motorsports
Début Bahrain 2009 Bahrain
Supercup Team None
Début -
Formula Challenge Team None
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World Sport Series Team None
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International Touring Cup Team None
Début -

Fusion Motorsports is an English GPVWC Constructor founded by Phil Perkins. They took part in the Superleague in 2009, as well as the Masters Series in 2009 and 2010.

The Superleague team entered midway through the 2009 season as a replacement for Phoenix Racing, retaining much of the same lineup as their predecessor and the team enjoyed modest success in 2009. However at the end of the season the team close to withdrawal leading to a take over by driver Mark Fuller who then rebranded the team as ST Racing from 2010 onwards. The Masters team however continued to use the Fusion name.